Development of a jar testing protocol for chemical phosphorus removal
During the jar tests, the most favourable stirrer shear for ferrous sulphate, aluminium sulphate and both of the VTA chemicals was 237 s −1. This value was slightly higher for ferric chloride, 411 s −1. Although these values are both within the reported range, perhaps a better guide would be comparing the Camp number.
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Optimizing coagulation–flocculation processes with …
In the conduct of jar test experiment, aluminium sulphate is the primary coagulant choice for water treatment because it is cheap, available, safe to handle and easy to use …
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Review of the Jar Test
a coagulant, aluminum sulfate. In dis-cussing the factors influencing coagula-tion, Fuller made no mention of agita-tion or mixing before or during the ... Baylis used this jar test machine at Baltimore in 1920. This is believed to be the second device of this type. of …
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Jar Test Experiment
Jar test, aluminium sulphate solution, beakers, turbidimeter, measuring cylinders, kaolin powder, sodium carbonate solution, sampling bottles. Procedure 1. Check all units of the jar test before the experiment 2. Prepare a turbid water sample by dissolving kaolin powder in distilled water 3. Determine turbidity of the sample and record 4.
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Coagulation & Flocculation Lab Report
Abstract The aim of this experiment was to determine the optimum dosage for 2 coagulants (ferric chloride and aluminium sulphate) and to determine which coagulant performs better. The jar testing method was employed for seven different samples that were treated with each coagulant at various concentrations, followed by the use of standard ...
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Jar Test Lab Report (Level 2)
10. Aluminium Sulphate 11. Ferric Chloride 12. Water sample (residual discharge) 3 Procedures 1. 25mL of water discharge was taken to evaluate turbidity, pH and color by using appropriate apparatus before conducting the Jar Test experiment. 2. 1000 ml of water discharge was poured into each beaker. 3. The beakers were then placed at the Jar ...
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View DATA ANALYSIS JAR TEST.docx from ECW 568 at Universiti Teknologi Mara. RESULT Table 1.0: Result Using Aluminium Sulphate as a Coagulant in Jar Test Experiment Dosage
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A conventional stirred tank is used for rapid mixing
Jar testing was performed using alum (aluminium sulphate) on a raw drinking-water source that contained an initial turbidity of A conventional stirred tank is used for rapid mixing in a water treatment plant with a flow of 1 0 0 x 1 0 6 L / day. The water temperature is 1 0 oC. Determine the tank volume and power requirement.
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What mass % solution of Aluminium sulphates would be suitable …
I need to prepare a 1.3 M Aluminium sulfate (anhydrous 99.99% - metal basis) solution, so based on its molar mass (342 g/mol) I need around,44.46 g of Aluminium sulfate in 100 ml of water to make it.
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It has been suggested that treatment of excessive turbidity and algal growth in the east bay and main body of Canyon Lake may be treated with alum (hydrated Aluminum Sulfate, …
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Jar Test Lab Report.pdf
View Jar Test Lab Report.pdf from ECW 568 at Universiti Teknologi Mara. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY ECW568 OPEN-ENDED LAB MARCH 2021 - AUGUST 2021 TITLE OF EXPERIMENT : JAR TEST DATE OF ... 2.0 Results and Analysis Table 1.0: Result Using Aluminium Sulphate as a coagulant in Jar Test Experiment Table 2.0: Result Using …
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Penentuan Konsentrasi Optimum Aluminium Sulfat dengan Metode Jar Test
The study was conducted using the jar test method to determine the dose of aluminum sulfate coagulant in reducing turbidity and colorimetric method using visible spectrophotometry to determine iron content that meets quality standard criteria.
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- Jar Test Lab Report [9odn31l36pwy]
Jar test apparatus with six 1 2 3 rotating paddles blade Beakers ( six) pH meter 2 4 5 Turbidity meter Pipette REAGENT Aluminum sulfate (alum) with a known concentration or anionic/cationic coagulant such as ferrous sulfate and ferric chloride. 4.0 PROCEDURES 3 1. The wastewater sample was prepared.
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TSG-T-008 Troubleshooting Jar Testing Procedure
For the jar testing procedure, you will need the equipment listed in Table 1. TABLE 1. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT FOR JAR TEST PROCEDURE. Required Optional 1,000 mL Graduated Cylinder 6 Magnetic Stirrers (6) 1,000 mL Beakers * Magnetic Stirring Device Aluminum Sulfate (Alum) Stock Solution (1.0% by weight) ** Turbidimeter
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Ferric Aluminium Sulphate
Ferric aluminium sulphate based primary coagulant for the treatment of potable water as well as process water and sewage and industrial effluents. Accepta 8313 works by neutralising the negative charge on suspended and colloidal matter to produce compact flocs suitable for easy removal by either settlement or flotation processes. Additionally it promotes more efficient …
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Optimizing Chemical Phosphorus Removal
Ferrous sulfate (pickle liquor) Fe 2 SO 4 Metal hydroxides Removes alkalinity ... • Iron and aluminum can react with humic substances . Kinetics and Mixing of Phosphorus / Alum Reaction Szabó et al. (2006) The Importance Of Slow Kinetic Reactions In Simultaneous ... Jar Testing Results 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0 10 20 30 40 50 Alum ...
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IS 3025-50 (2001): Methods of Sampling and Tests …
During operation of a treatment unit, it is essential to perform jar test as often as necessitated by changes in composition of wastewater. ... Table 1 Stock Solutions for Coagulation Test Chemicals (1) Aluminium sulphate [AI,(S04),. 16H,0] Ferricsulphate [Fe,(S04)3.9H,0] Soluble starch Polyacrylamide derivatives Sulphuric acid (H,S04 ...
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4 An example of a jar test data record -investigating the …
Download scientific diagram | 4 An example of a jar test data record -investigating the effect of the coagulation pH value at a given coagulant dose (50 mg L −1 Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 ) on the residual ...
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Penentuan Konsentrasi Optimum Aluminium Sulfat dengan Metode Jar Test
Hasil Pengamatan Jar Test Penentuan Konsentrasi Optimum Aluminium Sulfat Hasil Jar Konsentrasi Konsentrasi Turbiditas pH Air Test Tanggal Tawas Optimum Air Baku Baku (ppm) (ppm) Tur pH 40 7,10 6,30 42 6,22 6,27 09-07-18 30,1 6,50 44 44 3,85 6,22 46 3,57 6,20 40 8,39 6,21 42 5,00 6,17 10-07-18 34,6 6,40 44 44 3,81 6,13 46 3,33 6,11 40 4,11 6,19 ...
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optimum dose of aluminum sulfate obtained was 35 ppm with efficiency of 66.1% and the cost of raw materials amounting to Rp 140.00 per m3 for the Tanjung River water treatment. ... Krueng Raya menggunakan alat jar test dan koagulan aluminium sulfat dan poli-aluminium klorida (PAC) sehingga diperoleh kualitas air yang memenuhi persayaratan ...
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Water Handbook
The most critical measurements in the jar test are coagulant and/or flocculant dosages, pH, floc size and settling characteristics, floc-forming time, and finished water clarity. To simulate sludge circulation, sludge formed in one series of jar …
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OPTIMALISASI DOSIS KOAGULAN ALUMINIUM SULFAT DAN POLI ALUMINIUM KLORIDA (PAC) (STUDI KASUS PDAM TIRTA MUSI PALEMBANG) ... intake Percobaan pengolahan telah dilakukan pada dua intake tersebut dengan cara koagulasi-flokulasi menggunakan alat jar test untuk mendapatkan dosis koagulan optimum. Dosis optimum yang diperoleh adalah …
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Water Handbook
With aluminum sulfate, optimum coagulation efficiency and minimum floc solubility normally occur at pH 6.0 to 7.0. Iron coagulants can be used successfully over the much broader pH range of 5.0 to 11.0. ... Jar testing is …
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Aluminum Sulfate • To produce the hydroxide floc, enough alkalinity should present in the water • If alkalinity is not enough, then it should be added. Usually hydrated lime is used for that purpose (optimum pH is 4.5 – 8) ... The jar test is a common laboratory procedure used to determine the optimum dose of different coagulants, on a ...
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Jar Testing: How to Design and Perform Representative …
A successful jar testing procedure must successfully incorporate all the mixing factors for flash mixing and flocculation and settling in order to be an effective predictor of the …
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Coagulation-Flocculation-Jar Test
Alum- (aluminum sulfate)-particles suspended in natural, untreated water normally carry a negative electrical charge. These particles are attracted to the positive charges created by aluminum hydroxides. Dosage is generally around 25 mg/L. +31. Trivalent Al charge attracts neg – particles 2. Forms flocs of aluminum hydroxide (AlOH 3). 3.
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Determination of the Optimal Dosage of Aluminum …
In this paper the optimal dosage of Aluminum Sulfate(Al2(SO4)3 18H2O) is determined using a model of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that, when faced with real time variations of turbidity …
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Position the beakers at the jar test apparatus; Preliminary fill the syringes with different quantities of aluminium sulphate; Label the beakers according to the aluminium sulphate dosage to be added which is 10ppm, 20ppm, 40ppm, 60ppm, 80ppm and 100ppm. Set the velocity of the jar test apparatus for a rapid mixing agitate at 100rev/min
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Pengaruh Dosis Aluminium Sulfat Terhadap Kekeruhan dan …
The study was conducted using the jar test method to determine the dose of aluminum sulfate coagulant in reducing turbidity and colorimetric method using visible spectrophotometry to determine ...
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The choice and dosing of the chemical coagulants derive in fact from the results of the laboratory Jar test, which mimics full-scale operation in water treatment plants. The most used coagulants are Lime (calcium hydroxide), Alum (aluminum sulphate) and …
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