Phase evolution and mechanical performance of red mud-gypsum …
Dihydrate gypsum facilitates the formation of AFt crystal and C(N)-A-S-H gels by causing the dissociation and repolymerization of aluminosilicates in the entire system. The accumulation of curing age results in a sharper AFt crystal peak, a larger dispersion peak, and a smaller gypsum peak.
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Mercury release and fraction transformation during …
aDepartment of Environmental Science & Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071000, China bInstitute of Environment and Health, Jianghan University ... The results indicated that mercury could be released from desulfurization gypsum during aging process and the release process could be promoted via ultraviolet irradiation
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Experimental study on the catalytic action of heavy metals …
Black crusts are complex layers that form on stone surfaces due to the deposition and reaction of SO 2 and PM with the carbonate substrate. These layers are typically stratified, with the outer ones being rich in gypsum, carbonaceous particles, and other species, while the inner layers usually contain unreacted calcite and other components from the undamaged stone.
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Implementation of the Mathematical Planning of an Experiment …
The article carried out the mathematical planning of an experiment on the selection of the optimal composition of a new building finishing material based on a gypsum binder filled with wood filings.
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Soil stabilization with gypsum: A review
Gypsum can significantly enhance the UCS and CBR of soils, particularly high-plasticity and expansive clays. The increase in strength is primarily attributed to the cation exchange capacity and formation of cementitious hydration products.
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(PDF) The Influence of the Aging Process on the Change of …
The laboratory tests of accelerated aging were conducted using an aging chamber. The aging temperature in the heat chamber was set to even amount of 63 oC and irradiance 0,51 W/m2.
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Fate of adsorbed arsenate during phase transformation of ferrihydrite
Two broad peaks in the XRD spectra at ~ 40 and ~ 74° two theta confirm the purity and amorphous nature of ferrihydrite in both the ferrihydrite–gypsum (data not presented) and ferrihydrite–gypsum–arsenate systems (Schwertmann and Cornell, 1991) before aging was initiated (Fig. 1 a).The first sign of transformation was noticed after 53 h of aging (Fig. 1 b) for …
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Impact of aging on the hydration of tricalcium aluminate …
Figure 2: X-ray diffraction patterns of cubic (left) and orthorhombic (right) C3A phases as prepared, shown in the 2θ range of 5–70°. - "Impact of aging on the hydration of …
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Vector Gypsum Texture Aging Illustration Grunge Stock
Find Vector Gypsum Texture Aging Illustration Grunge stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day.
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(PDF) Influence of selected micro additives content on …
The presented work focuses on the influence of the micromaterials (microspheres, aerogel and polymer hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose) on thermal properties of gypsum.
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Impact of accelerated climatic aging on the behavior of gypsum …
Based on previous work on a lime-straw composite [12], four mixtures using two water/binder (W/B = 1.1 and 1.6) and three straw/binder (S/B = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) ratios were tested to find the optimal composite with the lowest thermal conductivity and mechanical strength under its own weight in accordance with the European standard. Three sample preparation methods for …
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Enhancing Pb2+ removal efficiency in flow-through systems …
FGD gypsum is a byproduct of the sulfur-containing fuel combustion industry, and China produces approximately 6.5 million tons of FGD gypsum annually [18].The storage of FGD gypsum not only consumes a substantial amount of land resources but also poses potential environmental hazards [19].FGD gypsum has a chemical composition and properties similar …
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Ancient architectural pathology of blue bricks and brick …
Aging tests were conducted on blue brick carvings and brick cubes based on the White Temple Tower in Lanzhou City, China. Parameters such as mass, ultrasonic velocity, …
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Experimental study on hardening characteristics and loading rate
Gypsum based non-conventional composites have also been studied for numerous practical applications. For instance, the experimental study on gypsum-quicklime-soil grout suggests that this type of gypsum based composite can effectively be used to repair earthen site cracks, and the performance of this grout was found to be superior to traditional …
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Mercury release and fraction transformation during …
DOI: 10.1016/J.FUEL.2017.12.120 Corpus ID: 102685130; Mercury release and fraction transformation during desulfurization gypsum aging process (UV irradiation) @article{Diao2018MercuryRA, title={Mercury release and fraction transformation during desulfurization gypsum aging process (UV irradiation)}, author={Xingzhong Diao and Chun …
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Influence of the Calcination Temperature of …
During the experiment, the particle diameter distribution of aqueous suspensions of building and synthetic gypsum particles (before and after calcination) was determined using the Fraunhofer laser method.
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The invention relates to an air-floating type gypsum aging device and a using method thereof, the device comprises an aging barrel with a feed inlet and a discharge outlet, the feed inlet is higher than the discharge outlet, a plurality of layers of aging plates which are arranged in a tower type and are positioned between the feed inlet and the discharge outlet are fixedly connected …
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Artificial aging of gypsum binder in terms of thermodynamics
Artificial aging of gypsum binder in terms of thermodynamics, S A Nekrasova, D D Khamidulina
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Investigation of mechanical properties of phosphorus building gypsum …
After the aging process, the product displays enhanced uniformity. The phosphorus construction gypsum powder now ready for use in the experiment is sifted through a 0.2 mm square-hole sieve, resulting in a sieve residue of 1.2 %, meeting the fineness requirement for construction gypsum as stipulated in "Construction Gypsum" GB/T9776-2008. 2.3.
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Impact of aging on the hydration of tricalcium aluminate (C3A)/gypsum
Figure 17: In situ XRD analysis of the hydrating binary C3Ao/gypsum mixture aged for 3 days, admixed with either sodiumgluconate (NaGluc, a) or potassium pyrophosphate (KPPhos, b) retarders. - "Impact of aging on the hydration of tricalcium aluminate (C3A)/gypsum blends and the effectiveness of retarding admixtures"
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Impact of accelerated climatic aging on the behavior of gypsum …
In this paper, the durability of a straw fiber-plaster composite exposed to accelerated aging by drying-wetting and freezing-thawing cycles was investigated. After a comparative study of different mixtures to find the best compromise between thermal performance and mechanical strength, one composite was chosen for accelerated aging.
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Mercury release and fraction transformation during desulfurization
The results indicated that mercury could be released from desulfurization gypsum during aging process and the release process could be promoted via ultraviolet irradiation. The release amount increased with the irradiation time and intensity (up to 25.1% of the total initial amount). ... This work was kindly co-funded by the National Natural ...
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Preparation of α-High Strength Gypsum from Flue Gas …
2 Experimental 2.1Materials FGD gypsum was produced for FGD system at a plant in Tianjin, China. Sodium chloride (NaCl), ... 3.1 synthesized crystals are completely transformed to Pretreatment of FGD gypsum The hydrothermal-aging method was employed to pretreat the washed FGD gypsum. As shown in Fig.2(a), the washed FGD gypsum was ...
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Experimental Aging Research | Taylor & Francis …
Experimental Aging Research is a life span developmental and aging journal dealing with research on the aging process from a psychological and psychobiological perspective. It meets the need for a scholarly journal …
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Homebrew Experiment: Adding Gypsum To Beer To Affect …
So how did my experiment go? Did adding gypsum to beer affect its flavor? Initially, the concentration of gypsum I was adding to the beer was too low to make any difference. I started with a 1 gram gypsum/500 mL water solution. Adding 1 mL of said solution to a 125 mL sample of beer only increased the effective concentration of by 1.6 ppm ...
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The quantity of water, in either form, necessary to complete- 1 r age the calcined gypsum, will depend on the temperature to w ich the gypsum prodnot was calcined. The higher the degree of calcination, the less is the amount of combined water remaining in the calcined gyp: sum, and therefore, more will have to be added in order to completely ...
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Thermoluminescence dating of gypsum in loess deposits
The radioactive element content within our gypsum samples was orders of magnitude lower compared to the external radiation from the surrounding loess sediments (Table 1).It is obvious that the internal content of radioelements (U, Th, and K) within gypsum was only 0.3–1.0 %, 0.4–1.3%, and 0.4–0.9%, respectively, in comparison to the external radioactive …
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Ancient architectural pathology of blue bricks and brick …
Quartz, potassium feldspar, plagioclase, and augite were the major minerals in all the samples. Other minor phases identified were gypsum, clay mineral, anhydrite, etc (Table 3). As a result, there is a continued loss of cementitious material and an increase in reasonably stable quartz as the aging experiment progresses.
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The aging of gypsum in underground mines
The aging properties of gypsum extracted from two underground mines in France (Livry–Gargan and Grozon) have been highlighted by means of observation performed using scanning electron microscopy on samples taken along horizontal boreholes drilled through to the middle of several pillars. ... Experimental Investigation on the Mechanical ...
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Influence of α-Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate on Setting, …
1. Introduction. Gypsum is a material in which the amount of water of crystallization varies with its surrounding conditions, such as temperature or humidity, and can be classified into three groups, namely, calcium sulfate anhydrite (CaSO 4), calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CaSO 4 ∙1/2H 2 O), and calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO 4 ∙2H 2 O) [].Calcium sulfate hemihydrate …
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