A Novel Process to Recover Gypsum from Phosphogypsum
Gypsum was recovered using a direct flotation method, which included one roughing, one scavenging, and two cleaning operations, from −0.15 mm to +0.025 mm. ... The test results show that a ...
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Pull Adhesion Testing of Coatings on Gypsum Sheathing
The scope of this white paper is three-fold, first, a review of the wind load requirements set forth in ASCE 7-22 and the IBC 2021, and other related wind speed information; second, the math used to translate mph and psf to a value measurable at the lab or small scale level; and finally, the use of pull-off adhesion testing in conjunction with gypsum-based …
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gypsum floated best around pH 6, yet celestite floated best around pH 8.5. On the other hand, in the case of sulphonate, there was not a distinct pH value where gypsum and celestite were best floated.
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Study on Mechanisms for Improving Quality and …
Qi et al. obtained gypsum concentrate with 69.2% whiteness and 97.24% purity through a reverse-positive flotation process. Wang et al. increased the whiteness of PG from 31.3% to 58% through a closed-circuit flotation test.
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The study on the effect of flotation purification on the …
Finally, gypsum concentrate was flotation by adding dodecylamine, and the product in the tank was tailings2. All test samples were dried at a temperature of 42 °C and used to test their yield, chemical composition, purity, whiteness, physical phase, morphology, etc. ... Comparison of PG properties before and after purification by flotation ...
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The interaction of clay minerals with gypsum and its …
From these flotation results it can be inferred that the presence of bentonite reduced true flotation, but the presence of gypsum caused bentonite to behave more like kaolinite. Kaolinite increased the recovery by entrainment as a result of the creation of a more stable froth which is supported by the high mass–water recovery curve (Fig. 1).
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gypsum floated best around pH 6, yet celestite floated best around pH 8.5. On the other hand, in the case of sulphonate, there was not a distinct pH value where gypsum and celestite were …
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Flotation separation of quartz from gypsum using benzyl …
The flotation behaviors of quartz and gypsum were investigated by micro-flotation experiments. The flotation mechanisms were analyzed through Zeta potential testing, Fourier …
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Effect of ionic species on the performance of apatite flotation
The apatite recovery of each flotation test was calculated by Eq. (1) . (1) R a p ( % ) = M C ⋅ x a p, C M F ⋅ x a p, F × 100 where R ap is the apatite recovery, M F is the mass (g) fed into the column, M C is the mass (g) of the floated fraction, x ap, F is the apatite content in the flotation feed sample, and x ap, C is the apatite ...
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Flow chart of closed-circuit flotation test.
Download scientific diagram | Flow chart of closed-circuit flotation test. from publication: The study on the effect of flotation purification on the performance of α-hemihydrate gypsum prepared ...
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New insights into the influence of mineral surface …
Based on the above test results, a novel flotation process was designed to realize the selective flotation of apatite from anhydrite-rich phosphate ores. This study can serve as a theoretical foundation and a practical reference for the separation of calcium-containing minerals. ... Study of the natural floatability of molybdenite fines in ...
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Influence of sulfate solution concentration on the formation of gypsum …
For this reason, the formation of gypsum is very likely to proceed in the test specimens. Because the commonly applied test solutions are very concentrated, there is a very high supersaturation with respect to gypsum. The resulting high swelling pressure [5] during the growth of the minerals can damage the microstructure and lead to expansion [4].
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Flotation purification of waste high-silica phosphogypsum
Flotation is an effective method to separate quartz and gypsum, but the quartz needs to be effectively inhibited in the flotation process (Xiao et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2022). …
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Utilisation of FGD gypsum for silicate removal from scheelite flotation
Pilot-scale test results on scheelite flotation wastewater treated by FGD gypsum. Table 4. Analysis of wastewater after treatment with FGD gypsum [mg/L]. ... This study showed that FGD gypsum could be considered as an attractive material for silicate removal from scheelite flotation wastewater. FGD gypsum can release sufficient calcium ions for ...
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Pull Adhesion Testing of Codings on Gypsum Sheathing
The scope of this white paper is three-fold, first, a review of the wind load requirements set forth in ASCE 7-22 and the IBC 2021, and other related wind speed information; second, the math used to translate mph and psf to a value measurable at the lab or small scale level; and finally, the use of pull-off adhesion testing in conjunction with gypsum-based …
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Processing of metallurgical residues by flotation
The flotation product easily leached to 46% Pb (with essentially no further lead loss), while the maximum with the original feed was ca. 39% Pb; apparently some refractory phases are rejected by flotation. Flotation alone did meet the <2% Fe criterion for the gypsum product using sulphonate at pH 3.2 giving a gypsum recovery of ca. 75%.
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Simple and efficient method for purification and recovery of …
In this study, a simple and efficient approach involving high-speed stirring scrubbing, reverse flotation, and direct flotation was used to purify PG, and a gypsum …
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CELESTITE-GYPSUM SEPARATION BY FLOTATION 121 CANADIAN METALLURGICAL QUARTERLY, VOL 47, NO 2 potassium oleate concentration was kept constant at 2x10-5 mole/L. Tests results are shown in Figure 1 ...
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Study on Mechanisms for Improving Quality and Whiteness …
Using a flotation test, the process mineralogy analysis results were confirmed. According to the XRF and XRD study results, the primary impurity elements in PG are Si, P and F. Si is more abundant in PG that is between +850 μm and −37.5 μm in size. ... Through flotation, the separation of gypsum and impurity mineral phases could be ...
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The study on the effect of flotation purification on the …
Phosphogypsum (PG) is a massive industrial solid waste. In this paper, PG was purified by flotation method, and α-hemihydrate gypsum (α-HH) was prepared by the autoclaving method. The...
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Research of Crystal Chemistry on Flotation of Several Sulfate …
Gypsum is a kind of more important nonmetal material, used widely in the field of industry, agriculture and medicine.The flotation of Celestite, barite and gypsum is a significant topic of theory and practice. The three sulfate minerals usually accompany with these salt minerals, having ions with equal activities or similar properties on the ...
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Selective adsorption behaviors and mechanisms of benzyl …
Many researches have been conducted to remove the phosphorus, fluorine, organic matters, and other impurities in PG [5], [17], while only a few studies reported the flotation separation of gypsum and quartz using dodecylamine (DDA) as the cationic collector of gypsum [18], [19], [20].However, this flotation process does not conform to the principle of "floating …
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(PDF) The study on the effect of flotation purification on the
Finally, gypsum concentrate was flotation by adding dodecylamine, and the product in the tank was tailings2. All test samples were dried at a temperature of 42 °C and used to test their yield, chemical composition, purity, whiteness, physical phase, morphology, etc.
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Efficient mirabilite gypsum flotation purification process
A technology of Glauber's salt and gypsum, which is applied in flotation, solid separation, etc., can solve the problems of poor economy, limited industrial application, and high energy consumption, and achieve the effects of improving the whiteness of concentrate, maximizing resource utilization, and high purity
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SOLVED:Refer to the Minerals Engineering (Vol. 46-47,2013 …
Refer to the Minerals Engineering (Vol. $46-47,2013$ ) study of the impact of calcium and gypsum on the flotation properties of silica in water, Exercise 2.48 (p. 81). Fifty solutions of deionized water were prepared both with and without calcium/ gypsum, and the level of flotation of silica in the solution was measured using a variable called ...
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Selective flotation separation of gypsum and quartz using …
The flotation property and selective mechanism of DH on the surface of gypsum and quartz were researched by single mineral flotation experiments, Fourier transform attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy analyzer, zeta potential analyzer, X-ray photoelectron spectrum, molecular dynamic (MD) simulation, etc. Additionally, H + was ...
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A Novel Process to Recover Gypsum from Phosphogypsum
The technological process of flotation cleaning shown in Figure 7 was used to further purify the gypsum concentrate; the test conditions of the roughing flotation were a flotation concentration of 30%, pH = 2.0 (H 2 SO 4), a mixed amine dosage 400 g/t, a sodium silicate dosage of 400 g/t, and a pine dosage of 40 g/t; the test conditions of ...
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The celestite ore from Sivas, Turkey which was subjected to this experimental study contained mainly celestite and gypsum as gangue minerals. Flotation behaviour of pure minerals, celestite and gypsum was investigated using oleate and sulphonate as collectors in a Hallimond tube. ... Contrary to microflotation test results, oleate was found non ...
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Mineral Flotation, Mineral Processing, Training, Tails …
Because of calcium contamination in the evaporites, the resulting final potash product had high insoluble gypsum levels that posed KCl formulator sedimentation issues with the client's final product. Expert was hired to identify an effective gypsum flotation depressant program that included plant testing qualification.
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The study on the effect of flotation purification on the …
In this paper, PG was purified by flotation method, and α-hemihydrate gypsum (α-HH) was prepared by the autoclaving method. The morphology of α-HH was adjusted by …
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