Keene 190 Dry washer and Frame – Gold Rush
The enclosed riffle bed creates a dust free environment and a compact single unit design for an extremely efficient machine. In a matter of minutes the 190 transforms to an extremely effective high banker and dredge. The 190 dry washer provides unmatched fine gold recovery that outperforms all drywashers and even rivals efficient wet systems.
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Keene, Royal, Gold Buddy or....... | Page 2 | TreasureNet The
I lot of guys like a machine with a "removable" riffle tray, I clean my Royals out just like you and don't think its a big deal. Plus when its time to replace the fabric board its cheap and easy.
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Keene Mini Max
A good deep cycle battery should give you about 20 - 25 hours running time. ... I've also heard Keene has changed pumps, opting to increase the flow to around 650 each, but I agree that better flow could be attained using it as a sluice. ... Placer Mining, Prospecting; Gear In Use: Minelab Gold Monster 1000. Minelab Pro-Find 35. Pick and shovel ...
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5" Keene Gold Dredge for Gold Mining***
Keene 5 triple. One of Keene's better dredges. All in excellent condition . New pump seal, new drive belt for compressor. Briggs 8 hp engine,P-350 water pump. Complete air system, crevice flusher, sw
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Keene GW25 Gold Wheel – Gold Rush
Gold Mining Equipment Keene GW25 Gold Wheel $ 1,500.00. Keene GW25 Gold Wheel quantity. Add to cart. Description; Description. Our largest gold wheel. 25 inches in diameter! Includes 750 gallon per hour 12 volt pump, wash down hose …
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Vibrostatic Dry Washer with Hot Air Induction
Some of the new features include "Soft Bed Technology" that creates greater electrostatic charged recovery bed. "Scrubbing Pins" for early separation of gold and even flow before entry …
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Mining Equipment
Keene 6 inch gold and diamond suction dredge, with twin Honda 11 h.p. electric start motors, twin 350 pumps(4x3) with 2 keene 4 inch foot valves, gast 263 compressor, stainless steel reserve air tank, 2 additional keene fuel tank, 26 inch by 8 foot long sluice, 3 stage, over and under adjustable flow sluice box, adjustable pitch sluice winch, 2 ...
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Keene Dredge Pump for Gold Dredge Gold Mining***
Keene P-101 water pump for your dredge project. This should be used with a 3-5 HP engine with a 5/8" threaded shaft. Would work best on a 2 or 2 1/2" dredge. Capable of pumping up to 125 gpm. Inlet is 1 1/2", outlet/pressure side is 1". Also has the port for your crevice flusher. Good condition and complete.
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Look, Keene makes Drywashers out of a durable plastic that is light weight. Royal makes them out of metal. I like the plastic because it is a bit cooler to the touch in the dessert but Royal makes such good products that every time I see their stuff I want to buy it just because the quality is so darn good. and they catch gold as good as any.
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Keene Vibrostatic Back Pack Dry Washer – Gold Prospectors …
Embark on your gold prospecting adventures with unparalleled ease and efficiency with the Keene Vibrostatic Back Pack Dry Washer. Engineered with precision and the prospector's needs in mind, this dry washer combines portability, power, and innovation, offering an unmatched gold recovery experience. Whether you're navi
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Large Gold Dry Blower / Washer...
This customer is Australia using 5 of our 151S box for recovery on this large dry washer. Looks like he did a great job setting it up good workmanship, even flow of material into each box. He is pleased with the fine gold recovery.
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Consider buying "Shaker Table". Watch one work first
We are considering buying a"Shaker Table". The ones I found available are the Keene ST-1 and U-Tech RP-4 both exactly the same table, Action Mining Tables, smaller model "Angus Kirk" Evolution series Orofino II Concentrator. Anyone knows anything more effective please advise. We have never...
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Gold Bottle Snifter: Online
This handy dandy tool is perfect for extracting gold from from pans. So easy to use, simply squeeze the bottle and use the suction to grab the goods then release the gold into one of our nifty specimen bottles! ... has been providing the very best in mining and prospecting equipment. Whatever you need, we're here to help ...
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Yet my point with the plastic Keene 140s (very mobile) vs any metal drywasher has to do with Keenes' electrostatic charged recovery bed. Such "electrostatic charge" is …
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Rare Metals LLC Dry Washer. | TreasureNet The Original …
I know for a fact his placer mine had and still has good recoverable gold on it. I'm pretty sure the Keenes knew about the Edison fiasco when they reintroduced the electrostatic …
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Super Crevice Sucker: Online
Light weight and easy to use, just imagine all the gold you will capture that may have been lost! Categories. Dredges; Dry Washers; Diving Equipment; Recovery Equipment; ... has been providing the very best in mining and prospecting equipment. Whatever you need, we're here to help! Categories. Dredges;
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Used gold extraction equipment
Wet Pan Mill Gold Milling Machine Rock Gold Mining Extraction Grinding Equipment. new. Manufacturer: Ascend Product Description wet pan mill for gold grinding is the best eq uipment to replace ball mill. because it have small investment, high output, low production cost, good efficiency and easy installation. And the m...
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Keene Mini Max
Each of those little 500gph bilge pumps draws about 2 amps. A good deep cycle battery should give you about 20 - 25 hours running time. Great little unit, just a modified A52 sluice.
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The Extraction Of Free Gold (McGowan): …
A practical, simplified method of extracting free gold, by a man who has spent a lifetime searching to improve the methods of gold extraction. Color and fully illustrated. 61 pages. Categories
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Small Scale Mining Equipment Supplier South Africa
We specialize in supplying the artisanal miner with a range of small to medium-scale mining equipment, prospecting equipment, Geo Exploration Equipment, on-site consultation or a complete gold mining plant.
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Keene Vibrostatic Back Pack Dry Washer – Gold Prospectors …
The Keene Vibrostatic Back Pack Dry Washer stands as a pinnacle of portable gold recovery technology. Its combination of lightweight design, high processing capacity, and innovative …
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dry wash gold plant keene
Dry Washing for Gold (Klein): Online Online … One of the most comprehensive texts on the…
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Keene 151s Vibrostatic vs. Gold Buddy Super Stallion Drywashers
The Keene uses a 5hp Briggs 2000cfm with heat induction that would be good on damp material and the Gold Buddy uses a Honda 160cc 450cfm engine. I have owned 2 smaller Gold Buddy's and like the way they operate. I have never owned or used a Keene drywasher before. The Gold Buddy states it is the largest drywasher built in America.
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, manufacturer of mining, prospecting, …
The largest manufacturer and retailer of dredges, mining and prospecting equipment and so much more! Gold, silver, diamonds or clams, no matter what your digging up, we have the equipment you need. ... To shop Keene's extensive online catalog, please select "The Shop" button on the left. ...
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NEW for 2015 140S Vibrostatic Back Pack …
"New Improved Vibrator System": creating greater vibration at lower engine speeds for increased gold production. "Blast Gate Technology": enables the user to make fine adjustments to …
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Loss of a Legend: Jerry Keene Tribute
By Brad Jones The mining community has lost legend Jerry Keene, the well-known patriarch of the empire. He passed away July 14 at the age of 83 from heart failure. Though he never officially retired, Keene had handed over much of the third-generation, family-run business to his sons, Mark and Pat, in recent years. His sons will …
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7 DryWasher Tips + How To Use The 6 Best Gold …
A drywasher is a machine that uses air to separate the gold from the dirt. This blog post will discuss how dry washing works and some of the best dry washers. ... the 151S has a vibratory action to help to stratify the material …
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Gold Pans: Online
17 Inch High Impact Plastic Gold Pan. $10.95. Quick View. 10" Ribbed Steel Gold Pan. $11.00. Quick View. 12" Ribbed Steel Gold Pan. $13.00. ... has been providing the very best in mining and prospecting …
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