Gold price tops $2,700 for first time to extend record …
Meanwhile, the Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index fell 0.2%, snapping a four-day rally. A weaker greenback makes bullion cheaper for many buyers, as it is priced in the US currency. Gold is about 2.4% higher for the week, with haven demand outweighing other macro headwinds that would normally weigh on the precious metal after US reports on Thursday ...
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Zinc price surges on LME as Teck smelter setback …
Three-month futures jumped as much as 4.5% to $3,284 a ton on the London Metal Exchange. Teck said refined zinc production this year may be as much as 12% lower than previously expected due to a ...
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Mongolian Mining Corp, 975:HKG forecasts
Mongolian Mining Corp (975:HKG) forecasts: consensus recommendations, research reports, share price forecasts, dividends, and earning history and estimates.
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Palladium price jumps after US suggests sanctions on
Rising yields and higher borrowing costs tend to weigh on gold, as the metal doesn't pay interest. Palladium rose 5.1% at $1,119.88 an ounce as of 10:38 a.m. in New York. Gold …
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"Mongolian Mining Corporation"...
"Mongolian Mining Corporation" 2022 онд 5.7 сая тонн түүхий нүүрс олборлов "Mongolian Mining Corporation"... - Bloomberg TV Mongolia
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ADB Forecasts Sustained Economic Growth in Mongolia …
Strong external demand, rising consumption, and government expenditure are expected to drive continued economic expansion this year, leading to a higher 2024 growth forecast for Mongolia's gross domestic product (GDP), according to …
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"Mongolian Mining Corporation"...
"Mongolian Mining Corporation" компанийн нүүрсний гарц 2023 оны IV улиралд 3.1 сая тонн болов "Mongolian Mining Corporation"... - Bloomberg TV Mongolia
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Bloomberg TV Mongolia
Коксжих нүүрс үйлдвэрлэгч болон экспортлогч "Mongolian Mining Corporation" компанийн хувьд 2023 онд борлуулах нийт борлуулалтын хэмжээ нь 8.5 сая тонн давахаар байгааг …
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"Mongolian Mining Corporation"...
"Mongolian Mining Corporation" VI/09ний өдөр хувьцаа эзэмшигчдийн жил тутмын хурлаа ...
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Mining bosses issue M&A warning as forecasts of …
Mining bosses have warned against plunging into the mergers and acquisitions market and repeating mistakes of the past as forecasts mount that the industry is on the …
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Palladium price jumps after US suggests sanctions on
Rising yields and higher borrowing costs tend to weigh on gold, as the metal doesn't pay interest. Palladium rose 5.1% at $1,119.88 an ounce as of 10:38 a.m. in New York. Gold gained 0.3% at ...
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Gold Miners Crippled by Costs Risk Losing Out on …
"There's a potential read-through here, assuming Newmont's takeaways are accurate, that this is a risk factor for the industry," said Josh Wolfson, a mining analyst with Royal Bank of Canada. Newmont earned 80 …
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Gold Miners Crippled by Costs Risk Losing Out on
"There's a potential read-through here, assuming Newmont's takeaways are accurate, that this is a risk factor for the industry," said Josh Wolfson, a mining analyst with …
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Bloomberg TV Mongolia
"Bloomberg" терминалын мэдээллээр "Mongolian Mining Corporation"-ийн хувьцааны ханш 2020 оны эхний улиралд буюу Covid-19 цар тахал дэгдэж эхэлсэн үед түүхэн доод …
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Gold SWOT: Gold-backed ETFs attracted $1.4 billion in …
Strengths. The best-performing precious metal for the week was silver, up 6.63%. A survey conducted during the London Bullion Market Association's conference in Miami revealed that participants expect gold prices to increase by 10% over the next 12 months, with silver expected to gain over 40%, which indicates a stronger outlook for silver, according to …
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Will Mongolia's crackdown on graft unlock its …
The start of underground mining at Oyu Tolgoi in March is expected to help boost Mongolia's economy to growth of 5.2 per cent this year, up from 4.7 per cent in 2022.
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"Mongolian Mining Corporation"...
"Mongolian Mining Corporation" компанийн хувьцааны ханш 2023 он гарсаар 240 хувиар өсөөд байна "Mongolian Mining Corporation"... - Bloomberg TV Mongolia
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"Mongolian Mining Corporation"...
"Mongolian Mining Corporation" компанийн орлого 2023 онд нэг тэрбум ам.доллар давж, өмнөх оноосоо 89.5 хувиар өссөн ...
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"Mongolian Mining Corporation"...
"Mongolian Mining Corporation" Баянхөндий алтны төслийг хөгжүүлэхэд нийт 120 сая хүртэлх ам.долларын санхүүжилт хийхээр байна ...
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Mongolian Mining Corporation, 12.5% 13sep2026, USD …
Mongolian Mining Corporation (MMC or the Company; SEHK Stock Code: 975) is a high-quality coking coal producer and exporter in Mongolia. The Company owns and operates two open-pit coking coal mines - Ukhaa Khudag and Baruun Naran, both …
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Bloomberg TV Mongolia
"Mongolian Mining Corporation" 2024 онд хугацаа нь дуусах бондоо буцаан буцаан авах үнийг үндсэн төлбөр, төлөгдөөгүй хуримтлагдсан хүүгийн 102.313 хувиар тооцно ... "Bloomberg" терминалын мэдээллээр "Mongolian Mining ...
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Teck Resources cuts full-year production forecast
Sam Crittenden, mining analyst at RBC Capital Markets, joins BNN Bloomberg to discuss what he doesn't like about Teck Resources' quarterly results; and why he thinks the copper market needs more projects coming online. ... Teck Resources cuts full-year …
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French Firm Boosts Uranium Mining and Enrichment
(Bloomberg) -- France's Orano SA is boosting uranium mining and processing capacity as supplies of the nuclear fuel tighten on stronger demand and moves to reduce the world's reliance on Russia. The state-controlled company is investing to prolong the life of mines in Canada and Kazakhstan, while exploring adjacent and remoter areas in ...
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France's $1.6 billion uranium deal with Mongolia …
A $1.6 billion uranium mining deal between France and Mongolia that is part of French efforts to diversify supplies to power its fleet of nuclear reactors is running into political hurdles.
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"Mongolian Mining Corporation"-тай...
"Mongolian Mining Corporation"-тай стратегийн түншлэлийн гэрээ байгуулаад буй "Erdene Resource Development" компани 2025 оноос олборлолтоо эхлэхээр төлөвлөжээ
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Gold miners grappling with high costs risk losing out on the …
A worker walks through a tunnel towards elevators following a shift in the underground mining project at the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine, jointly owned by Rio Tinto …
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"Mongolian Mining Corporation"...
"Mongolian Mining Corporation" 2022 онд 59 сая ам.долларын ашигтай ажиллажээ "Mongolian Mining Corporation"... - Bloomberg TV Mongolia
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Bloomberg TV Mongolia
2024 онд хугацаа нь дуусах бондоо арилжих санал тавиад байгаа Хонгконгийн Хөрөнгийн биржид бүртгэлтэй, өндөр чанарын коксжих нүүрсний томоохон нийлүүлэгч "Mongolian Mining Corporation" компанийн шинэ …
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Goldman raises aluminum forecasts on higher Chinese and
Goldman sees the metal, used to make everything from beer cans to plane parts, climbing to $3,750 a ton in the next 12 months. "With visible global inventories standing at just 1.4 million tons ...
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