Reducing Work-Related Stress Through Soft-Skills …
many serious consequences of high stress in the mining sector, such as decreasing productivity, high frequency of work-related mistakes and seriouserrors,anincreaseinabsencefromwork, or an increased risk of mental disorders, heart diseases and diabetes, which have been reported
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Causes of Coal Mine Accidents in the World and Turkey
ii. Main causes of accidents [13–19] In a 2011 report by the Turkish Republic Presidency State Supervisory Council, similarities regarding the causes of coal mine accidents are studied in detail: Lack of risk evaluation, subcontracting 5, sub-employing, production pressure, not learning lessons from previous accidents, inadequate precautions against the …
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Occupational Safety and Health of Women in Mining
History of Women in Mining. Mining has a rich global history, and since the early modern period, women miners across the world have played a far more active role in the industry than is widely known or acknowledged. 10 Before the 19th century U.S. mining boom, women across Europe were responsible for critical activities in mining communities both above and below ground.
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Corrosion in Mining and Mineral Industry
1.1 Causes of Corrosion Corrosion is the deterioration of metal caused by a chemical reaction to its surrounding environment. ... The mining industry has adopted underground support technologies in order to reduce safety risks and enhance productivity, for …
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The influence of psychological resources on mineworkers' levels …
South Africa's development and economy have always been associated with the mining industry. Its abundant resources – gold, platinum, iron, chrome, manganese, to name but a few – make it one of the world's top mineral suppliers. ... Work stress has been shown to be a major cause of burnout in the workplace. ... Stress, 31 (2015), pp ...
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Unravelling safety compliance in the mining industry
ABSTRACT. ORIENTATION: Safety compliance remains a major issue in the South African mining industry. This article explores the roles of specific work-related job and attitudinal variables in predicting compliance. RESEARCH PURPOSE:The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of work stress, job insecurity, satisfaction and commitment to …
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The Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Miners …
A study among workers in South African in steel industry showed reports of work-related pain or discomfort that reported the most damage to the lumbar region, with respondents also consistently twisting. And bending the trunk is considered to be the main cause of pain or discomfort (15, 16).
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(PDF) Mental health in mine workers: a literature …
The Mining environment is hazardous for worker's health. It can affect the mental health, triggering symptoms and diseases, such as anxiety, job stress, depression, sleep disorders, mental...
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Why Mental Health Matters in Mining | Online …
There is evidence that long and irregular shift work can cause a variety of health problems for mining workers, including depression, anxiety and fatigue. Mining is physically demanding work and the nature of hard shift work …
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The current challenges of the Zambian Mining Sector: What …
Challenges of Zambia's mining sector . This section highlights some of the key challenges of Zambia's mining sector. (i) Mono-dependency on copper – The country has been heavily reliant on the copper mining sector. This has resulted in the under exploitation of other sub-mineral sectors to attain social-economic development.
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Identification and categorization of hazards in the mining industry…
Abstract Control of OHS risks in the mining industry has been attracting increasing attention in recent years. Because of their great diversity in a complex system, hazards can be difficult to identify and classify, especially when system components interact. Risk cannot be managed successfully without comprehensive investigation of all its aspects. A coherent and …
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Work stress of employees affected by skills shortages in the …
This finding is unexpected, and it contradicts previous research findings which indicate that the physical work environment of the mining industry is the main cause of work stress (e.g. Schutte, Edwards, and Milanzi, 2012). The physical work environment subsection of the questionnaire measured specifically the availability of job equipment ...
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Job Security Leading Cause of Workplace Stress in Mining
Worry over job security is the leading cause of workplace stress in the mining industry according to a new report released by corporate psychologists.
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Workplace Safety: Addressing the 10 Risks in the …
Manual handling and body stressing are common causes of musculoskeletal disorders in the mining industry and contribute to many workers' compensation claims. Proper training in lifting techniques, providing mechanical aids, and …
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Stress Management in BPO Sector: A Study
The present study has been done to analyse causes and impact of stress in BPO sector. The study shows that major causes are work pressure, unusual timing, strained relationship, repetitive work, lack career development opportunities.
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Identification and categorization of hazards in the mining industry…
Control of OHS risks in the mining industry has been attracting increasing attention in recent years. Because of their great diversity in a complex system, hazards can be difficult to identify and ...
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Workplace stress in South African mineworkers
The workforce in the mining industry is changing ... •Healthier workers. Slide 8 Workplace Stress Definition: When the workplace or performing work causes emotional stress Rationale: Extended periods of stress are known to ... Females 33.48 33.63 31.00 2.74 4.63 2.89 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Job Content Questionnaire Males Females. Slide 19
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3 Mining Industry Safety Issues
Worker fatigue is the most commonly identified human factor in the mining industry. Because mining is typically a 24/7 operation, fatigue is prevalent—and with the enormous hazards present in the mining industry, falling asleep on the job is not an option. Complacency is another common human factor in mining but it is often difficult to ...
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Mining company closures, retrenchments, restructurings, unprecedented decline in productivity and decline in profits have been the order of the day in the last decade in the mining sector. This has happened to both large and small mining corporations, possibly even to the emerging ones.
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Heat Stress In Mining
will effectively cause the hypothalamus (the body's thermostat) to reduce the body's temperature imme-diately by 2 to 4 degrees in a heat stress situation. Does heat contribute to high accident rates? Studies have shown that workers in hot, humid en …
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Work Related Stress among Coal Mine workers: A study …
(2010) [4] reiterates that out of the intra organizational and extra organizational causes of stress, 67 per cent of the overall stress experienced by the employees is due to factors within the organization whereby major cause of the stress is the workload. Researches indicate that nearly a third of the working population in developed countries
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Perceptions of Occupational Stress Analysis in Mining
Occupational Stress Analysis in Mining", Journal of Eastern Europe Research in Business and Economics Vol. 2017 (2017), Article ID 758629, DOI: 10.5171/2017.758629 ... of the Romanian mining sector over the occupational stress. Keywords: occupational stress, mining field, ... (56.31%) the partner does not work, so there is only
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Burden of Occupational Morbidity from Selected Causes in …
The estimate for hazardous noise exposure within the Mining industry sector was used for both Mining and Oil and Gas Extraction industry sectors, as noise exposure estimates were not available separately. ... Work stress: 31.70: 1.13 – 1.34: 3.96 – 9.73 Hepatitis B Virus Infection (age 20+) ... of occupational cases of 17 chronic conditions ...
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Examining mental health connections in mining
In response to industry interest, the lead author developed an educational, engaging training around mental health and well-being for mining and construction workers. Deployed in 2024 in tandem with company annual refresher training that follow the typical …
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Review of the Evolution of Mining‐Induced Stress and the …
The notable difference between deep mining and shallow mining lies in the special engineering environment of deep mining. Under the complex environment of "high in situ stress, high temperature, high water pressure, and mining disturbance," the structure, basic physical and mechanical characteristics, and engineering response of the deep rock mass are …
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Wellbeing In the Australian Mining Industry
Especially over a longer period of time, (Healthy Business has a case study of a mining company experiencing similar issues, where great results were achieved.) Causes and solutions. The second report from The Centre for Transformative Work Design breaks down the contributing factors for the mental health of the mining industry.
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Mining Safety: 7 Hazards to Identify and How to Avoid Them
However, doing so requires identifying and working to prevent common mining hazards, which are only sometimes clear. This article discusses seven of those hazards and suggests strategies to mitigate them. 7 Hazards to Mining Safety 1. Heat Stress Hazards. Heat stress severely threatens miner health and safety, especially in hot and humid areas.
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Workplace stress in South African mineworkers
• To evaluate the prevalence of workplace stress among mineworkers in South Africa • To identify mineworkers that are at risk of workplace stress • To evaluate the use of translated self-report …
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Noise in the Mining Work Environment
The research issues discussed in the article introduce the issue of noise in the mining work environment of Polish hard coal mines and identify its causes, effects and threats.
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